Waurn Ponds Estate


We are proud to be carbon positive

Here at Waurn Ponds Estate, we pride ourselves on our sustainability efforts. We are constantly taking steps to help and improve not only the environment around us, but also the environment that we work in.

The Estate is fully solar powered

Waurn Ponds Estate is now carbon positive, fully powered by electricity from the 100 plus solar panels on our roof.
As part of making this happen, we converted all of our hot water systems from gas to electricity.

We are diverting food waste from landfill with our closed loop system

Our organics processing closed loop compost system divertes approximately 30 kg of food waste per day from landfill, reducing our general waste bins from 12 to 5.
As the volume of fertiliser produced has exceeded expectations, the organic waste is now being distributed by our Grounds team across the Waurn Ponds Campus.

We grow our own produce in our Kitchen Garden

Not only is our Kitchen Garden a gorgeous spot for a break out, meeting or event, it is also where our kitchen team grow their own produce for our dishes.
From vegetables to edible flowers, our fresh produce inspires our seasonal menus.

We’re taking steps to reduce waste

We are working hard to reduce waste at the Estate, with initiatives like switching from Nespresso capsule machines to fully automated espresso machines that freshly grind whole coffee beans.